India expects record rapeseed output due to bigger area, favourable weather

Industry officials predicted that favorable weather in major producing states and an increase in planted area would cause India’s output of mustard and rapeseed to soar to new heights in 2024. Increased production of rapeseed will assist the largest importer of vegetable oils in the world in reducing the amount of costly imports of soy,…

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SEA projects that mustard production would reach a record 115.25 lakh tonnes

The Solvent Extractors’ Association (SEA) of India predicts that the production of the rapeseed­mustard crop will be around 115.25 lakh tonnes (lt) in 2022-­23. In 2021–2022, SEA anticipated that the crop would be 110 lt. On announcing the all-India estimate for the rapeseed-mustard crop in 2022–2023, SEA stated that India is on track to produce…

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