Increased Production and Rising Stocks in the U.S. and Global Cotton Market

The increased anticipated production in the United States is primarily responsible for the 1.1 million bale increase in the worldwide cotton production prediction for 2024–2025 to 120.2 million bales. Global consumption is anticipated to rise by 250,000 bales, with increases in Malaysia and India balancing declines in other regions. These adjustments cause the global ending…

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Jeera fell as the price pressure from anticipated increased production was felt

Due to anticipation of increasing supply, which could put downward pressure on pricing, jeera finished down 0.4% at 28,990 yesterday. The downside was, however, constrained by strong export and local demand as well as restricted global supply. The market was also helped by farmers holding back their supply in anticipation of higher prices. This season,…

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Prices for turmeric increased as farmers held back supplies

Withholdings from farmers amid anticipation of additional price increases drove yesterday’s 0.59% gain in turmeric prices, which closed at 17512. The heightened supply near the end of the harvesting season limits upside potential, though. Increased crop yields could worsen the supply shortage and support price levels, as the heat wave currently affecting India poses a…

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