Seasame prices may increase in areas with less supply

The Centre for Agricultural and Rural Development Studies, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, funded by the TN­IAM Project, predicts that prices for sesame will likely move north, but they could also fluctuate depending on the monsoon and arrivals from other major producing States.

The oilseed prices that dominated the Sivagiri Regulated Market in the Erode area over the last 12 years were examined by the price forecasting team. A kilogram of high-quality sesame harvested in April would cost between ₹170 and ₹175 at the farmgate. Therefore, it is recommended that farmers make informed decisions about seeding.

The price will continue to rise in the upcoming months due to a reduction in the area under rabicrop, a scarcity of supply brought on by the season’s high rainfall, and rising crop demand. According to the Crop Forecast Coordination Centre (CFCC), kharif agriculture will decrease from 13.44 lakh hectares (lh) in 2022–2023 to 12.43 lh in 2023–2024.Furthermore, it is anticipated that the rabi season will shorten from 0.27 liters in 2022–2023 to 0.16 liters in 2023–2024.

In Tamil Nadu, sesame is sown in April–May and December–January. It is grown in a limited area under irrigation as a summer crop and is well-liked because to its maximum oil content and remarkable resistance to drought. India is the second-largest producer of sesame seeds worldwide, after Sudan. It is also the leading exporter of sesame, with most of its shipments going to the US, Vietnam, and Russia. In India, sesame is grown in both the rabi and kharif seasons.

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