Russian wheat export prices fall by Russian standards

Russia’s export prices for summer new wheat fell last week following falling global standards in Chicago and Paris, IKAR Agricultural Consultancy said in a statement on Monday.

Russia, one of the world’s largest wheat exporters, usually begins harvesting in late June-early July. Although a small crop, its Ministry of Agriculture said last week that it would increase grain exports during the July 1 to 2021/22 marketing season.

New crop prices of Russian wheat 12.5% ​​protein loading from Black Sea ports were $ 260 per tonne on the Free Board (FOB) last weekend, $ 12 lower than the previous week, IKAR reported.

Older crop prices have also fallen, with another consultant, Sakon, saying: Wheat has fallen from 3 to 2 272 per tonne, barley – from 2 to 8 248 per tonne. It rained in southern Russia and some parts of the Black Earth last week, although it was dry in the Volga and Stavropol regions, Sakon said.

Chowdhury said spring wheat yields in the Volga, Urals, and Siberia would be damaged if it did not rain within a week or two.

Summary of other Russian data provided by Chowkon and IKAR: Part, Excludes Distribution (Chowkan) – Sunflower seeds 53,025 rbls / t +275 rbls (Sovecon) – Domestic 115,025 rbls / t +825 rbls Sunflower oil (Chowcon) – Export Sunflower $ 1,520 / t – oil 20 Oil (Chowcon) – Export Sunflower $ 1,525 / t – oil 15 oil (IKAR) – soybeans 50,900 rbls / t +1,800 rbls (Sovecon) – white sugar, $ 610.1 / t + $ 6.2 south of Russia (IKAR)

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