On lower output predictions, tobacco prices reach $200 per kilogram

As a result of a projected production shortage in the State, tobacco auctions in Karnataka are off to a strong start for the 2022–2023 marketing season, with prices opening nine percent higher than the prior year. The start of the auctions on all 10 platforms on Monday has given growers hope for a more prosperous season to come. Ramanathapuram has two tobacco auction platforms, Periyapatna has three, Kampalapura has two, Hunsur has two, HD Kote has one, and Ramanathapuram has three. 100 million kg (mkg), or 14% more than the 88 mkg crop size from the previous season, was the Tobacco Board’s fixed crop size for Karnataka in the 2022–23 growing season.

“This year’s production is noticeably low. According to BV Javare Gowda, president of the Federation of Karnataka Virginia Tobacco Growers Association in Periyapatna, Mysuru, “this year’s farmers were given a target of 100 million kg, but we are anticipating an actual crop of around 60 million kgs. This is because this year’s excessive rains have impacted the output. According to him, the starting costs are 202 per kilogram as opposed to 185 per kg the previous season.”

The yield has been impacted by excessive rain. The nutrients were leeched out of the soil because the plants were unable to digest the fertilizers, according to Gowda, who was also the previous vice chairman of the Tobacco Board.
This year, there will be fierce rivalry among purchasers, which will raise prices. Growers have high expectations for the season given the reduced production compared to past years and the expectation that prices would increase to $2,50­,300 per kg, according to Gowda.

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