Turmeric fell in anticipation of supplies being released before new plantings

Turmeric prices fell -0.77% to $13420, with the slow buying activity leading to stock releases prior to the arrival of the fresh crops in January 2024. Nevertheless, the possibility of yield losses from unfavourable weather limits the downward pressure. The current crop conditions are favourable, and the harvest is anticipated to take place in January…

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Recent rains may be beneficial for standing crops because they decreased the price of turmeric

As a result of greater supply offerings, prices for turmeric recently dropped by -0.39% to settle at 14378. Reports of helpful rainfall for standing crops, which increased farmer confidence, were the main factors in this decline. However, given that the cultivation of turmeric has declined in regions like Maharashtra, which has caused price trends to…

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Prices for turmeric increased as consumer activity increased

Turmeric prices saw a small gain of 0.21%, closing at 15,622, spurred by increased purchasing activity associated with holiday demand. The shortage of turmeric on the market is made worse by Maharashtra’s declining turmeric production. Though supplies of turmeric are still scarce, upcoming beneficial rainfall in Maharashtra and Telangana is anticipated to boost crop growth….

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