Cotton farmers desire $12,000 per quintal as the MSP

The current season has seen cotton producers demand a minimum support price (MSP) of $12,000 per quintal, claiming that while yields have decreased, production costs have climbed dramatically.

Cotton farmers in Telangana assert that the cost of production is 8,000 rupees per quintal since pesticide use and labor prices have increased. Yields have drastically decreased. Only about 4­5 quintals are yielded per acre. Farmers cannot cover their costs of production at the current MSP of 6,080, according to S Malla Reddy, vice president of the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS).

Farmers’ organizations have made the decision to stage protests in front of the offices of Mandal Revenue Officers from October 29 to October 31 in order to demand that the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) acquire the output at a price of 12,000 rupees per quintal

“This season’s strong rains devastated the cotton crop on thousands of acres. This year, we anticipate decreased production, according to Telangana Rythu Sangham senior leader Bonthu Rambabu. This year, farmers in the state planted cotton on 20.25 lakh hectares.

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