The Society of Indian Solvent Extraction (SEA)Castor seed down estimation for 2020-2021Is down 6.3 %
unfavorable yield Weather.
Third field sturdy castor growing areas showed
overall castor seed in India. There will be an annual release
17.81 lakh tonnes (LT), down An 8%. The previous estimate was 19.02LT.

castor oil in the final stages4th and 5th choice. But, SEA. The study found that there is the temperature of a high surrounding forced to reduce farmers will take activity until April
usually continues until May.
Also, unfavorable weather is most affected in February and March
yields are available in the farmers Gujarat and Rajasthan.
Acres of castor land are also found low and rated 8.26
Lakh hectares for the year 2020-2021.Against 9.73 lakh hectares in the previous year.