Short covering helped Jeera profit as prices fell and there were more opportunities for production

Prices for jeera saw a 0.68% recovery to close at 27295 due to short-covering after a decrease impacted by positive production outlooks in important regions like Gujarat and Rajasthan. The amount of land planted to jeera reached a four-year high during the current rabi season. Farmers increased their cultivation considerably in reaction to the record…

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Cotton fell as global consumption is expected to be lower than it was last month

Cotton prices, as indicated by Cotton candy, dropped by -0.63% to settle at 57020. Reduced predictions for global demand in 2023–2024 contributed to the decline, especially in major cotton-producing nations including Turkey, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. In addition, a 2.0 million bale increase in world-ending stocks for 2023–2024 was caused by higher beginning stocks…

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