Cotton fell since global consumption is expected to be lower in 2023–2024 than it was last month

Prices for cotton candy decreased by -0.17%, ending at 57740, as a result of adjustments to production and consumption estimates for the 2023–2024 season worldwide. There will be a 1.3 million bale drop in global consumption as a result of declines in Turkey, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. This resulted in a 2.0 million bale…

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The OPEC+ committee ‘closely assesses’ the market but makes no recommendations on oil quotas

A significant OPEC+ advisory group remained silent on production policy on February 1, thereby maintaining the present output restrictions. Under the co-chair ship of Saudi Arabia and Russia, the Joint Ministerial Monitoring Committee declared that it would “continue to closely assess market conditions” and that the 22-member producer coalition was prepared to modify output levels…

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edible oil

The edible oil business searches for legislation to promote greater autonomy

The industry anticipates an early implementation of a robust policy framework along the lines of the one the government established for the expansion of oil palm plantations in the nation, given that Finance Minister Nirmala SithaRaman stated a special focus to promote edible oil crops. The industry, which uses up foreign cash because the nation…

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