Cotton fell as the ICAC predicted that production would probably surpass consumption worldwide

Cotton prices, as measured by Cotton candy, fell by -0.7% to settle at 56380, primarily due to a pessimistic forecast for the world cotton market. For the second year in a row, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) predicted that worldwide cotton production would be surplus due to production exceeding consumption. In the 2023–2024 season,…

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November’s unemployment rate declines as the agricultural sector creates more jobs in rural areas.

Based on a drop in unemployment in rural areas during the rabi-sowing season, India’s total jobless rate in November dropped to 9.16% from a 29-month high of 10.05% in October, according to data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE). While the urban jobless rate increased to 9.39% from 8.44% in November, the rural…

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Natural gas fell as a result of record supply, ample storage, and low demand

With record production, abundant storage, and less demand, natural gas had a significant 5.25% decrease, ending at 223.9. Contrary to the predicted withdrawal, the U.S. gas storage system saw an unexpected 10 Bcf addition. This surprised the market, especially considering the large departure from last year’s numbers. The negative outlook was reinforced by weather predictions…

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Jeera plummeted due to suitable weather and sufficient soil moisture

A notable loss was experienced by jeera, or cumin, which dropped by -5.98% to close at 41475. The decrease is ascribed to excellent meteorological circumstances that facilitate sufficient soil moisture for agricultural sowing operations. As a result of stockists’ desire to purchase despite the recent price decline, the negative is lessened. An encouraging aspect of…

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Gains for cotton as CAI’s estimate of cotton production is reduced

Cotton candy prices saw a little increase of 0.07%, ultimately settling at 57240. This increase was mostly driven by the Cotton Association of India’s (CAI) revised downward projection of cotton production for the current 2023–2024 season. Concerns about decreased cotton output were exacerbated by the revision, which mentioned damage in Haryana caused by pink bollworm…

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