The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has forecast that the daytime temperature will decline after Tuesday as the anticyclonic circulation above Gujarat moves towards the Arabian Sea following days of a persistent heat wave that jeopardized wheat yield, particularly in Gujarat and west Rajasthan. Yet as a precaution, the government has established a high-level committee to carefully watch the wheat crop.
“As a result, the (day) temperature will drop after February 21 and a brief drop in temperature is to be expected. But, since we are getting closer to summer, there will be a rise in temperature as the season goes on, he noted. IMD issued a heat wave warning on Sunday, which it revoked on Monday since the temperature was approximately 8°C above normal in Saurashtra and 46°C above normal in the remaining areas of the NorthWest.
During the next two to three days, experts predict a 2 to 3°C reduction in maximum temperatures. Mahapatra said, an anticyclonic circulation that occurred over Gujarat is what caused the air to sink (move downward from the upper to lower troposphere), which is the main cause of the extraordinary increase in maximum temperature. According to him, Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh, all felt the effects of Gujarat’s heatwave as the daytime temperature soared due to the anticyclonic circulation, which occurs when the wind rotates anticlockwise.
The Agricultural Commissioner is in charge of a high-level group that the Agriculture Ministry has established to closely examine the effects of the temperature increase on the wheat crop. This year, wheat production is expected to reach a record 112.12 million tonnes (mt), according to government estimates.