Gujarat’s groundnut crop area is expected to decrease by 10.52% during the Kharif season of 2022–2023, which is expected to result in a 22.18% decrease in crop size. One of the main oilseed crops during the Kharif season is groundnut. Gujarat, a well-known groundnut-growing state, is included in the “SEA Groundnut Kharif Crop Survey 2022” published by the Solvent Extractors’ Association (SEA) of India.
According to the survey study, which cited information from the Gujarat government, the area under groundnut crop sowed decreased by 10.52%, from 19.10 lakh hectares in the Kharif season of 2021–2022 to 17.09 lakh hectares in the Kharif season of 2022–23. TRANSITION TO OTHER CROPS This was attributed by BV Mehta, Executive Director of SEA of India, to the conversion of groundnut-producing area to cotton, soybean, and other crops.
Gujarat is anticipated to produce 30 lakh tonnes (lt) of groundnuts during the Kharif season of 2022–2023 compared to 38.55 lt in 2021–2022; this represents a 22.18% decrease. The last five years’ average crop size has been around 30 lt. In comparison to prior years, he claimed that the crop last year was record-breaking. During Kharif 2022–2023, the average yield per hectare decreased to 1,755 kg/ha from 2,020 in 2021–2022. Mehta claimed that crop productivity was impacted by the excessive rain, flooding, and dry spell in August.
The groundnut minimum support price (MSP) is set at Rs. 5,850 per quintal. According to him, groundnuts of good quality (FAQ) are sold at a mandi price between $6,00 and $6,300 per quintal, while those of poorer quality are sold for between $5,00 and $5,600 per quintal. He remarked, “Mandi price may fall down even further with big arrivals in the coming days.”