The Mentha Oil Rate decreases by 0.18% on April 3, 2024

Apr 3, 2024, saw a 0.18% decrease in Mentha Oil Rate. The futures contracts for Mentha oil, expiring on June 28, 2024, saw a decrease to ₹931.50. The Mentha oil rate on MCX has decreased by 0.18% in the last day, from ₹938.00 to ₹931.50. One of the top producers and exporters of mentha oil is India. Mentha oil is an essential oil extracted from a mint plant.

Products for cosmetics and personal care, pharmaceuticals, food, and soaps all include mentha oil. On commodity exchanges like MCX, where traders can buy or sell Mentha oil contracts, the rate of Mentha oil is traded. Several Indian states, including Punjab, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh, are producers of mentha oil.

According to MCX India, the price fluctuation of mentha oil has exposed Indian exporters to ongoing price volatility. According to the exchange on its website, MCX offers liquid futures contracts for the price of mentha oil, which can assist dealers in hedging their bets.

The demand from importing nations like the U.S. and China is one international element that drives pricing. A few domestic climate change elements that affect the Mentha oil rate in the market are cold waves and unexpected rainfall. Because of the import-export equation, the mentha oil rate is also influenced by the USD-INR exchange rate.

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