The ISMA predicts a 5% decrease in sugar production this season

Since the sugarcane crop has been hampered by excessive rainfall, primarily in Maharashtra and Karnataka, the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) has revised lower the country’s production of the commodity to 34 million tonnes (mt) for the current season (October 2022 ­September 2023). The projection by ISMA, an association of private sugar mills, is 5% less than the 35.8 mt produced last season and its first forecast of a record 36.5 mt production made in October. The sugar production is after accounting for the expected diversion of 4.5 mt of sugar yield for ethanol production.

Uttar Pradesh’s production is anticipated to be 10.1 mt, according to ISMA data (10.2 mt last season). Due to a higher 1.6 mt (1.2 mt) diversion for ethanol production, this is the case. Maharashtra would continue to be the leading sugar producer this season even though its output will be 12.1 mt (14.8 mt) less than last season. However, 1.5 mt more diversions are anticipated for ethanol (1.1 mt). Karnataka, the third-largest producer, will produce 5.6 mt (6 mt) of sugar, with an additional 1.1 mt (0.75 mt) being diverted for ethanol. While Gujarat’s output is anticipated to stay at 1.2 mt, Tamil Nadu’s output is forecast to be 1.6 mt (1.3 mt).

According to a statement from ISMA, the updated estimate, which places the production at 7% less than its initial estimate from October, is based on pictures of harvested and unharvested fields. The present estimate was made possible thanks to field visits, the current trend in yields and sugar recoveries realized thus far, as well as anticipated yield/sugar recoveries in the remaining sugar season. Data from ISMA show that up until January 15 of this season, 15.68 mt of sugar was produced (15.08 mt).

The All India Sugar Traders Association (AISTA) assessed the production earlier this month at 34.5 mt after accounting for the damage caused by excessive rainfall around the nation. The AISTA announced on January 6 that it had released its output estimate for the current season and that it had taken into account weather-related concerns that surfaced after October in its forecasts.

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