Cotton prices fell on hopes for a better crop

Prices for cotton candy saw a little decrease of -0.03% yesterday, ending at 57580. This was mostly due to expectations of higher agricultural harvests, especially in nations like Australia. With the growth in cotton-producing areas, production, consumption, and commerce, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) predicted a favorable cotton season for 2024–2025. Specifically, the ICAC…

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Cotton Increases With Short Covering As Prices Drop With Hopes For A Better Crop

The price of cotton candy saw slight increases, closing at 59920, mostly due to short covering after a prior decline in price amid hopes for better harvest conditions in nations like Australia. For the forthcoming season, 2024–2025, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) predicted increases in several indicators, including the area used to produce cotton,…

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Cotton fell due to muted global demand and improved crop prospects

Prices for cotton candy decreased significantly by -1.86% yesterday, leveling at 60,120. The main causes of this reduction were the reduced demand worldwide and the expectation of a better harvest in nations such as Australia. For the upcoming season, 2024–2025, the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) predicted gains in cotton-producing areas, production, consumption, and trade….

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The International Cotton Advisory Committee’s (ICAC) forecasts for the upcoming 2024–25 season caused a minor decline in cotton prices, which looks to have been reversed by short covering. Cotton candy prices are now up 0.13% to 61660. Global cotton output, commerce, consumption, and area are all expected to rise in the next years. The market…

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Cotton fell as the ICAC projected higher production in 2024–2025

The ICAC’s predictions for the 2024–25 season anticipate growth in cotton-producing areas, production, consumption, and trade. This led to a -0.58% decline in cotton candy prices, closing at 61,860. Cotton cultivation is expected to expand by 3% to 32.85 million hectares, yielding 25.22 million tonnes. Consumption is forecasted to increase by 2.9% to 25.37 million…

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Cotton declined as 1.3 million fewer bales were consumed globally in 2023–2024

The price of cotton candy, a vital product for the world’s textile sector, dropped by -0.03% to settle at 57720. Predictions for the 2023–2024 era show lower global consumption of cotton, especially in major cotton-producing countries like India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkey. This reduction coincides with significant changes in the global cotton market. Higher…

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Cotton fell since global consumption is expected to be lower in 2023–2024 than it was last month

Prices for cotton candy decreased by -0.17%, ending at 57740, as a result of adjustments to production and consumption estimates for the 2023–2024 season worldwide. There will be a 1.3 million bale drop in global consumption as a result of declines in Turkey, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. This resulted in a 2.0 million bale…

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