The CAI President estimates that cotton prices could reach Rs 75,000 per candy by the middle of 2023

By mid-2023, according to the president of the Cotton Association of India (CAI), cotton prices could reach Rs 75,000 per candy. This is because there is a significant gap between the crop’s current-season production and the high demand from both domestic and foreign markets. India will soon cease to be a net exporter of cotton…

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Telangana’s cotton production increased by 33% in just six years

Telangana, the third-largest cotton-producing State in the nation, increased its cotton production by 33% from 18.85 lakh tonnes (lt) in 2015­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­. This is right despite the crop’s area not significantly expanding. 19 lakh hectares (lh) of cotton were planted over the time period, a 12 percent increase from 17 lh. The state’s ability to export…

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Cotton farmers receive additional “long staple” attention in the budget

Extra-long staple cotton, a specialty crop with strong demand in the textile sector, was given a huge boost by the host of initiatives Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced for increased productivity and improved rewards to farmers. “We will use public-private partnerships (PPP) to adopt a cluster-based and value chain approach to increase the productivity of…

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