The Bangladesh scenario will negatively impact India’s cotton exports, but not significantly

India’s cotton industry will undoubtedly be severely impacted by the political unrest in Bangladesh, even though it may not have a major impact on trade. Bangladesh is the recipient of $2.4 billion worth of Indian cotton exports. Bangladesh’s proportion of India’s total cotton exports increased from 16.8% in FY13 to 34.9% in FY24, based on…

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Increased Production and Rising Stocks in the U.S. and Global Cotton Market

The increased anticipated production in the United States is primarily responsible for the 1.1 million bale increase in the worldwide cotton production prediction for 2024–2025 to 120.2 million bales. Global consumption is anticipated to rise by 250,000 bales, with increases in Malaysia and India balancing declines in other regions. These adjustments cause the global ending…

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