Soyabean production likely to be lower than Govt estimates

The Solvent Extractors Association (SEA) of India expects that the soyabean crop is likely to be lower at 10 million tonnes (mt) against the government’s estimate of 13.83 mt during the current season to June. The Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare’s third advance estimate for major crops had estimated the oil seeds output at 38.5 mt. It was at 35.95 mt last year said, Atul Chaturvedi, President, SEA.

Stating that these are good tidings, he expect that oil seed production would continue growing in the coming years. According to the government estimate, the soyabean crop is at 13.83 mt, and the rape/mustard seed crop at 11.75 mt. The trade estimate for soyabean, as declared by SOPA, is 11.9 mt, he said. “But many industry players expect the soyabean crop is much lower at 10 mt as they do not see the pressure of market ­arrivals even at the current high price of soyabean.

Stressing the need for crop diversification, he said the MSP driven wheat and rice production in Punjab and Haryana has guaranteed a ready market and reasonable returns to the farmers. But this has created huge irregularities and demand-supply mismatch. Mountains of wheat and rice are challenging the country’s storage infrastructure.

Urging the need to divert some land in Punjab from wheat/rice cycle to sunflower, maize in kharif season, and to rapeseed/mustard in rabi season, Atul said: “We have to ensure farmers are suitably encouraged by ensuring better returns and assured market. If we can convince farmers in these north Indian States; “Yellow Revolution” can become a reality.”

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