Quicken sugar export policy, need to do 8 mn tonnes next yr: ISMA to govt

The Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) has urged the government to swiftly implement the sugar export strategy, claiming that the sugar selling season of 2022–2023 will require at least eight million tonnes of exports. Vivek Pittie, Director of Harinagar Mills in Mumbai and a member of ISMA, stated that the industry group thinks the government should permit any of the popular systems for sugar exports while speaking at an event hosted by ISMA.

“The sugar export policy can either adopt the system that was common in season 2020–21 or under the Open General License (OGL) system common in season 2021–22,” said Vivek Pittie. “Both systems have undergone testing and have shown to be effective. We respectfully request that you refrain from testing out your third system. For the sugar sector, exporting eight million terms of the product is crucial ” said, Sudhanshu Pandey, the food secretary.

The Central government has approved 1.2 million tonnes (MT) of sugar exports for the September 2021–2022 marketing year, in addition to the 10 MT already set, because domestic output was more than expected. A surplus of sugar has resulted from increased production, and mills are increasingly clamoring for exports. In contrast to the initial expectation of 35 MT, production is anticipated to have exceeded 36 MT in the current year (2021–2022).

Earlier this year, ISMA predicted that India’s sugar production would be even greater, at roughly 39.97 MT, for the 2022–23 season (October–September). For the production of ethanol from sugarcane juice, ISMA has also requested a fair price.”This offers a safety net since additional manufacturing capacity may make up for any shortage of ethanol produced from grains. The ability to convert sugar to ethanol provides a backup benefit in the event that exports of sugar become unprofitable in some years,” said Pittie.

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