Early on Saturday, the price of gold increased by Rs 280 per 10 kilos (24-carat) to reach 54,280. On the other side, silver prices today increased by Rs 1,400 per kilogramme to Rs 67,600 per kg. According to the GoodReturns website, ten grammes of 22-karat gold are currently trading at Rs 49,750, up Rs 250 from yesterday’s close.
10 grammes of 24 and 22-carat gold were selling for Rs 54,280 and Rs 49,750, respectively, in Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Kerala, and Pune. Gold in Delhi was going for Rs 54,440 for 24 carats and Rs 49,900 for 22 carats. 10 grammes of 24- and 22-carat gold were being sold in Chennai for Rs 55,060 and Rs 50,470, respectively. Despite a rise in the dollar and U.S. inflation, gold prices increased on Friday.
S. bond yields as some investors continue to believe that the Federal Reserve would pause rate increases at the beginning of next year. The spot price of gold increased by 0.5% to $1,798.40 per ounce. U. S. Gold futures closed at $1,810.70, 0.5% higher. 1 kilogramme of silver cost Rs 67,600 in both Delhi and Mumbai. The price of the metal in Chennai, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad was Rs 72,500 per kg.