Cotton Declined Due to Payment Restrictions and Poor Demand in Yarn Markets


Cotton candy prices declined by 0.52% to ₹55,910. India’s cotton production is forecast to decline by 7.4% to 30.2 million bales for 2024/25, with reduced acreage and high rainfall damaging crops. The USDA slightly overestimated the production figure at 30.72 million bales, but lowered ending stocks to 12.38 million bales. Cultivated area declined significantly to 11.29 million hectares from 12.69 million hectares in the previous year.

India’s cotton imports are expected to rise to 2.5 million bales, while exports are expected to decline to 1.8 million bales from 2.85 million bales last year. Domestic demand is expected to remain steady at 31.3 million bales. Globally, cotton production is expected to increase slightly for 2024/25, with higher production in China, Brazil and Argentina offsetting declines in the US and Spain. However, weak import demand, particularly from China, is expected to reduce global trade by 500,000 bales. World ending stocks are forecast at 76.3 million bales.

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