Commodity participants argue against or for a lower transaction tax

The commodities transaction tax (CTT) has been asked to be totally eliminated or reduced in the upcoming budget, according to the Commodity Participants Association of India (CPAI). The CPAI has additionally asked the Finance Minister to put this recommendation into effect for at least two years. The sector (the commodities derivatives market), which has zero…

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As record prices encourage additional sowing, a bumper wheat harvest is anticipated in 2023

High domestic pricing and restored soil moisture are projected to help farmers surpass last year’s planting in 2023, but an extreme heat wave this year may reduce production. Increased wheat production might persuade India, the second-largest producer of grain in the world, to reconsider easing a May export ban. While wheat production has nearly plateaued…

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Russian crude exports will primarily be absorbed by refineries in China, India, and Turkey

The G7 price cap and EU penalties are drawing nearer, but S&P Global Commodity Insights reported on Tuesday that there are rising indications that the curb poses a “minimal threat” to Russian oil revenues because refiners in China, India, and Turkey are anticipated to take in more of the oil. S&P Global Commodity Insights reported…

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Despite restrictions, Indian rice remains competitive in the global market

Despite the Center’s restrictions on exports of non-basmati white rice and the imposition of a 20% export levy, Indian rice remains competitive on the international market. Although prices have increased by over $30 a tonne over the last two months, Indian cereal remains competitive.”The worldwide market for rice continues to be quite competitive for Indian…

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