Strong export demand and aggressive stockist buying drove up Jeera prices

Due to strong export demand and aggressive buying by stockists, jeera prices rose an amazing 5.91% throughout yesterday’s trading session, ultimately finishing at 26540. Due to limited global supply, Indian jeera is still chosen by consumers worldwide, albeit the upside was slightly constrained by the potential for more pressure from more entrants into the market….

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Jeera Benefits From Tighter Global Supply As Buyers Throughout the World Preferred Indian Jeera

Jeera prices increased by 1.62% due to high demand worldwide. However, the market arrivals are growing, which is putting pressure on the upward potential. Enhanced sowing areas and favorable weather have contributed to increased cumin production in India’s main producing regions. Cumin production in Gujarat is predicted to hit a record high of 4.08 lakh…

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Jeera Withdrew Due To The Potential For Additional Pressure On Arrivals

Yesterday, jeera prices fell significantly, falling -2.14% to 22400, mostly as a result of market pressure from expected increases in arrivals. The Rajkot Mandi market saw 10,000–12,000 bags arrive every day, exceeding the amount of demand that is now in place. Production has significantly increased due to favorable weather and an expansion of the sowing…

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Jeera Accomplished In Short Coverage

After a recent decline owing to increasing acreage in the major producing states of Gujarat and Rajasthan, jeera prices saw a minor uptick of 0.45% yesterday, finishing at 24440. This increase was mostly driven by short covering. Farmers greatly increased cultivation in response to the previous marketing season’s record prices, resulting in a four-year acreage…

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As the current Rabi season approaches its four-year high, Jeera dropped

Jeera acreage reached a four-year high during the current rabi season, which caused jeera prices to decrease by -0.93% and settle at 25435. Due to the previous selling season’s record prices, farmers in important producing states like Gujarat and Rajasthan increased their crops. Gujarat saw a significant 160% rise in jeera agriculture, surpassing the average…

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