Short covering helps Jeera when prices fall as a result of increased production

Jeera futures recorded a tiny gain of 0.42%, closing at 25380, on short covering following a decrease in prices due to increased production prospects in Gujarat and Rajasthan, the two major farming states. Due to farmers expanding cultivation in response to record prices in the previous marketing season, jeera acreage reached a four-year high during…

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Higher production prospects caused prices to fall, leading to a gain in Jeera from short-covering

Yesterday, jeera prices fell sharply by 2.5 percent, closing at 26545. This was mostly caused by increased production expectations in Gujarat and Rajasthan, two important cultivation regions. In reaction to record prices seen in the previous marketing season, farmers increased their cultivation areas, resulting in a four-year high in jeera acreage for the current rabi…

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Short covering helped Jeera profit as prices fell and there were more opportunities for production

Prices for jeera saw a 0.68% recovery to close at 27295 due to short-covering after a decrease impacted by positive production outlooks in important regions like Gujarat and Rajasthan. The amount of land planted to jeera reached a four-year high during the current rabi season. Farmers increased their cultivation considerably in reaction to the record…

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