Copper prices are increasing because of strong long-term demand and limited supply

Copper prices rose by 1.58% to 883.5 due to increasing demand and tightening supply, raising concerns about potential shortages. The metal’s crucial role in electrification and its use in AI and automation infrastructure has led to optimistic forecasts about its future demand. Despite soaring prices, China’s continued importation of ore signals sustained demand from manufacturers,…

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India’s silver purchases fell 38 percent in 2023, according to Silver Institute

India’s physical investment in silver fell by 38% in 2023, leading to a 63% decrease in silver imports to a two-year low of 111.7 million ounces. Futures turnover increased by 13% and options trading increased by over five times. Physical investment decreased to 49.3 million ounces due to profit-taking. India’s physical investment was threatened by…

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