Chemical Industry faces challenges from short-term policy and poor infrastructure

Chemical industry operators are shifting their focus to specialty chemicals in an effort to increase margins in light of the current slowdown in the chemical sector. According to recent industry data, the chemical industry as a whole has experienced negative growth over the last three quarters. In contrast, the specialized chemicals industry has experienced expansion…

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Core industry improved by 6% in February.

Eight core industries’ combined output increased by 6% in February as compared to 5.9% in the same month last year. It’s interesting to note that the Commerce and Industry Ministry increased the core sector growth estimate for January 2023 from 7.8 to 8.9 percent. An official statement stated that the core industries’ overall growth rate from…

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Inflation may decline to 5.2 percent next fiscal year due to regular rainfall.

According to an RBI assessment, persistently high inflation remains a key policy worry for the Reserve Bank, which has raised rates aggressively this year, but the pressure may subside next fiscal assuming normal rains and the continued normalization of global supply chains without any exogenous shocks. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) anticipates retail inflation…

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