Gains in cotton were seen as merchants struggled with temporary supply limitations

Cotton candy, a symbol for cotton prices, closed at 57300, up 0.53%, as traders struggled with worries about short-term supply constraints. Deliverable against contracts, certified cotton stockpiles fell significantly from 87,770 bales on December 1st to 6,325 bales on December 5th, according to ICE statistics. This stock market fall increased market anxiety. 253.71 thousand tons…

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Cotton increased as traders struggled with worries over short-term supply shortages

As traders struggled with worries about short-term supply shortages, cotton prices, depicted as Cotton Candy, finished up 0.25% at 57000. The certified cotton stocks, deliverable against the contract, have decreased from their previous peak on December 1st to 6,325 bales on December 5th, indicating a tightening supply scenario. The International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) predicts…

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Gains for cotton as CAI’s estimate of cotton production is reduced

Cotton candy prices saw a little increase of 0.07%, ultimately settling at 57240. This increase was mostly driven by the Cotton Association of India’s (CAI) revised downward projection of cotton production for the current 2023–2024 season. Concerns about decreased cotton output were exacerbated by the revision, which mentioned damage in Haryana caused by pink bollworm…

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Gains for cotton as CAI reduced its production forecast for the 2023–2024 season

Cottoncandy’s price of cotton saw a slight uptick of 0.11%, ultimately settling at 57160. The Cotton Association of India (CAI) revised its cotton output estimate for the current 2023/2024 season to 29.4 million bales, which is credited with the upswing. The amendment mentioned plant uprooting by farmers and infestations of pink bollworms as causes of…

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As India’s cotton production is predicted to decline by 7.5% in 2023–2024, cotton prices rise

Cottoncandy saw a small increase of 0.07%, ultimately settling at 56740, as a result of factors affecting cotton production worldwide. India, a major participant in the cotton market, is predicted to produce 29.5 million bales of cotton in 2023–2024, a 7.5% decrease from the previous year. Contributing variables mentioned include lower planted areas and the…

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Cotton increases as the projected 7.5% decline in India’s cotton production in 2023–2024

The difficulties India’s cotton sector suffered in the 2023–2024 season are reflected in Cottoncandy’s latest price hike of 1.05% to 57500. Reduced planted area and the effects of El Nino weather on productivity are the reasons for the anticipated 7.5% drop in cotton production to 29.5 million bales. This underscores the pressure on the domestic…

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