Increased Production and Rising Stocks in the U.S. and Global Cotton Market

The increased anticipated production in the United States is primarily responsible for the 1.1 million bale increase in the worldwide cotton production prediction for 2024–2025 to 120.2 million bales. Global consumption is anticipated to rise by 250,000 bales, with increases in Malaysia and India balancing declines in other regions. These adjustments cause the global ending…

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The EIA reported a larger-than-expected decline in US crude stockpiles, which led to a gain in crude oil

The Energy Information Administration (EIA) announced a greater-than-expected drop in US crude stockpiles, which helped to support crude oil prices, which increased by 0.41% to settle at 6,858. The EIA reported that for the week ending July 5, crude stocks dropped by 3.4 million barrels to 445.1 million, a substantial decrease from the projected draw…

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Natural Gas Declined July 1st Despite An Increase In Production

The continued surplus circumstances in storage and higher output levels in July contributed to yesterday’s -1.16% drop in natural gas prices, which ended at 195.6. A protracted heat wave over the United States through mid-July was predicted. Still, predictions of a smaller-than-usual weekly storage increase and plentiful supply dynamics kept the market under pressure. Utility…

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