Menthol prices decreased due to favorable sowing circumstances and insufficient export demand

Due to improved planting conditions in UP and Bihar and sluggish export demand, menthol oil yesterday declined by 0.6% to settle at 961.6. Efforts to plant have benefited from the recent rainy season in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Mentha’s seeding activities would benefit from the predicted higher-than-average May rains. The price will be under pressure…

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As domestic supplies were expected to increase, the price of turmeric decreased on profit booking

On profit-taking yesterday, the price of turmeric dropped by -3.58% to 7928 in anticipation of an increase in local supplies. In anticipation of a drop in pricing, traders are likewise expressing less interest at current price levels and refraining from mass purchasing. Given that farmers are receiving a fair price for their produce, supplies in…

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