Prices for turmeric fell as a result of better production prospects

Prices for turmeric fell by -0.83% to settle at 13,906, primarily as a result of a more favourable production outlook. In expectation of higher supplies in the upcoming months, market participants decreased their positions. Although turmeric’s export prospects have greatly improved, with a 25% increase in exports fueled by demand from both developed and emerging…

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Gains in cotton are due to reports that the pink bollworm is destroying the cotton belt in Haryana

A pink bollworm infestation reportedly damaging the cotton belt in Haryana caused cotton prices to rise 0.63%, closing at 60900. The 2023–24 Cotton prognosis indicates that the global cotton industry is, nonetheless, struggling with decreased production and consumption. Forecasts for 2023–2024 in the United States show higher beginning stocks but decreased output, exports, and ending…

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