World Gold Council: Q3 central banks will continue to acquire gold at unprecedented levels, supporting gold prices

Global central banks have been purchasing gold at an unprecedented rate, which has increased demand for the metal (excluding OTC) to 1,147 tons in the July–September quarter, 8% more than its five-year average, according to the most recent data. The third highest quarter in the World Gold Council’s data series saw net central bank purchases…

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Jeera decreased due to favourable weather and sufficient soil moisture

Jeera’s recent drop from 43710 to 5.998% is due to favourable weather conditions that increased sowing efforts. Enough soil moisture is present to facilitate the expected normal sowing of Jeera. Recent price declines have encouraged stockists to purchase, which has led to short covering. The scarcity of high-quality crops also supports the market. However, because…

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Rising desire for safe havens due to Middle East concerns has boosted silver’s increase

The value of silver increased marginally, by 0.19% to hit 71717, mostly as a result of the ongoing demand for safe haven assets amid growing Middle East tensions. Positive economic data, such as stronger-than-expected U.S. consumer spending in September, a healthy third-quarter GDP, and stronger durable goods orders for September, all contributed to this upswing….

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